The Mostra delivers gifts with Encaixe at the provincial palace as a symbol of gratitude

The councilor of Encaixe, Encarna Liñeiro, and the councilor Sergio Caamaño, presented a gift to the president of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, Valentín González Formoso. The councilors placed a small bag with this detail inside each chair in the Plenary Hall before the session held yesterday, Friday 1 October.

Yesterday, October 1st, the Mostra delivered some gifts from Encaixe at the provincial palace of the Provincial Council of A Coruña as a symbol of gratitude for the involvement and commitment that this entity has with the Camargue event.

The councilor of Encaixe, Encarna Liñeiro, and the councilor Sergio Caamaño, presented a gift to its president, Valentín González Formoso. The councilors also placed a small bag in each chair in the Plenary Hall with a detail inside and before the session began.

In the images we can see, in addition to the delivery to the president, how the gifts were received by deputies such as José Manuel Pequeño or José Ramón Rioboo. From the Mostra they emphasize the “versatility of the application of the Lace to obtain products as spectacular as these little birds”, they emphasize, while “we thank the invaluable help and collaboration with an event that will celebrate thirty years at the forefront of fashion next Friday”.

For his part, the president of the Provincial Council, Valentín González Formoso, thanked Caamaño and Liñeiro for “a beautiful detail, which shows not only the beauty of the Encaixe, but also the solidarity and attention to detail of the people of Camariña”, and added that “our intention is to continue collaborating in an event that is proof that our craftsmanship and manufacturing have a great place in this increasingly technified world”.

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