The XXX Lace Show, present at the VII Edition of FESTUR in Silleda

The aim is to promote the toothpick event, which will take place from October 8 to 12 in Camariñas. Last Saturday, September 4, two toothpickers from the Puntillas Association attended and on Sunday, two others from the Rendas Association.

The XXX Camariñas Lace Exhibition was also present at the VII Edition of FESTUR, which was held this past weekend in the Silleda City Council.

The objective is to promote both the toothpick event, which this edition celebrates its thirtieth anniversary, and which will take place from October 8 to 12 in Camariñas, and to promote the project 'A Caramiña vén palillar ao cole'.

This past Saturday, September 4, two palilleras from the Puntillas Association attended and on Sunday, the closing day, another two from the Rendas Association.

The application of Camariñas Lace can be observed in different pieces: in the masks and children's fashion by designer Esteban Freiría, or in the headdresses by designers Janet Schulz and Ana Cabranes.

The XXX Lace Show, present at the VII Edition of FESTUR in Silleda

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