The Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, wears lace earrings from Camariñas, a gift from the City Council

Sandra Insua met with the Vice President of the Government at FITUR and promised to send her this product. Yolanda Díaz thanked her for the detail and confirmed that she will try to be at the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Fair in the Provincial Council of A Coruña this year.

The Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, showed off in her last public appearances some lace earrings from Camariñas that were sent to her by the City Council as a thank you for the meeting held at FITUR with the mayor, Sandra Insua, and councilors Encarna Liñeiro and Begoña Tajes. 

Sandra Insua met with the vice-president in Madrid and promised to send her this product. In the shipment, accompanying the earrings, was an invitation inviting her to participate in the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Fair. 

In her response, Yolanda Díaz highlighted the good work being done by the City Council for the commercialization and internationalization of lace and with a "see you at the Show" she confirmed that she will try to participate this year on one of the days on which the event is held during Easter. 

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