Once again, the tradition of potters mixes with the lace of Camariñas in the 'ArtEncaixe' catwalk of the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Exhibition of the Provincial Council of A Coruña. This time, four potters are participating in the parade: Feituras, Obradoiro Tonio, Alfarería La Cacharrera and O Rulo.
At Alfarería la Cacharrera they explain that “the Asociación Oleira de Buño has maintained a good relationship with the compañeiras of the Mostra for many years and for us it is a pleasure to be able to be part of this event, showing our work. “The lace brings the quality and delicacy of the work of the compañeiraspalilleiras which can only enrich our creations”, they state.
For Obradoiro Tonio, “it is a satisfaction to be able to participate in the parade and present our festivities” and he added that “I will bring a botixo and a jug, the two creations are different from what we usually do”.
For her part, María Canedo, from 'Feituras', states that "it is quite a challenge for me to be able to show in a creative way how two such different crafts can go hand in hand."
Finally, O Rulo will once again show the result of combining clay and lace in a harmonious way.