The stands of the II Virtual Exhibition begin to publicize their special offers for the event

From Tuesday to Sunday, the 12 participating stands will offer lace-related products with special offers through the event's social networks. Spectators will be able to watch the videos of the Young Designers competition from tomorrow and the lacemakers, the girls from the lacemaking schools and the volunteers will also have their space. Tomorrow, Wednesday 31 March, the exhibition 'Lacemakers: present and future' will be inaugurated at 11 am in the Plaza de la Insuela. It will be developed mainly through the Facebook page and there will also be content on the Instagram and YouTube channel of the Mostra.

The main objective of this second virtual edition of the Camariñas Lace Fair of the Provincial Council of A Coruña is the commercialization of lace and, pursuing that goal, today the stands participating in this event begin to disseminate their special offers, which will remain valid until Sunday, April 4.

The 12 stands that are participating and that are offering their lace products are: Arte en palla, Asociación Puntillas, Asociación Rendas, Bolillos, Encaixes Arjomil, Encaixes Gelina, Encaixes Lucita, Fiando Miudo, Jataparda, Miñamena, Nemanquiñas and Recanto do Encaixe.

On the Facebook page of the Camariñas Lace Exhibition, and also on the website, the products offered are explained and photos are included so that interested people can also see them. In addition, each of the stores provides different payment methods and shipping methods to make the purchase easier.

II Virtual Exhibition

Until Sunday, April 4, the second virtual edition of the Camariñas Lace Exhibition of the Provincial Council of A Coruña will take place, which presents new features compared to last year and on this occasion will change its operation to focus on the commercialization of lace and the publication of the collections of the Young Designers competition in different tourist enclaves in the municipality.

From tomorrow, Wednesday 31 March, viewers will be able to watch the videos of the collections of the XXVII Young Designers competition. Many of these were recorded by students of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication of the University of A Coruña (UDC) in different locations of the municipality and with local models as protagonists. The palilleras, the girls from the palillo schools or the volunteers will also have their own space, among others.

Also tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 am, the exhibition 'Palilleiras: present and future' will be inaugurated in the Plaza de la Insuela. This is a small tribute to the work and effort of the palilleiras who, generation after generation, make the Encaixe de Camariñas a unique art in the world. The photographs of the 22 totems that will be installed are part of a project carried out in December 2019 by Ana García, photographer for Voz de Galicia. This exhibition is expected to remain in the plaza until October.

The closing ceremony will be on Sunday and will be led by the director of the Mostra, Dolores Lema, and the councilor of the Mostra, Encarna Liñeiro. In addition, there will also be space for music since Grupo Jaque wanted to be part of this event with their own version of the well-known song 'Camariñas'.

The broadcasting platforms for the second edition of the Virtual Mostra will mainly be the Mostra Facebook page (@MostradoEncaixe) and there will also be content on Instagram (@Mostraencaixemarinas) and on the Youtube channel (@Mostradoencaixe).

Young Designers Contest

The 24 collections that will participate in this II Virtual Show are: 'Black Tide', 'Carrera de Indias', 'Daquela que cantan as pombas i as frores', 'Déjame encajar', 'Denantes mortas que esclavas', 'Enjebre i tradição', 'Enjebre II', 'Estimulos', 'Evol', 'Femme', 'Fossil', 'Honey, Bee Free', 'Leo', 'Matista', 'Passaris', 'Samantha', 'Sea Lung', 'Suspiros Flamencos', 'The Beautiful Brut', 'The Blue Horse', 'Tira y afloja', 'Un paseo sereno', 'Victoria' and 'Zeistmaschine'.

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