The professional jury evaluates the proposals of the participants of the XXVIII New Designers competition

The jury is made up of Modesto Lomba, Felipe Santamaría, Franco Quintáns, Edith del Valle, Esteban Freiría, Amaya Fernández, Jorge de Álvarez and Inés Fernández. At the end of the fashion shows, a meeting between great and new designers took place. The tambourine player Xabier Díaz set the musical tone for the fashion shows before the concert he will offer at 10 p.m. in the market square.

Today was the decisive day for the participants of the XXVIII New Designers competition of the XXXI Camariñas Lace Fair, Provincial Council of A Coruña. The professional jury was present at the 'A' and 'B' group parades this afternoon to evaluate the proposals presented by the 25 young participants.

The jury is made up of Modesto Lomba (president), Felipe Santamaría, Franco Quintáns, Edith del Valle, Esteban Freiría, Amaya Fernández, Jorge de Álvarez and Inés Fernández. They assessed aspects such as the application of the lace, the tailoring, the originality, the message…

Tomorrow, Sunday, April 17, the winner of the contest and the prize from the popular jury, which in the previous days evaluated the different proposals of the new designers who arrived from different parts of Spain, will be announced.

In addition, at the end of the fashion shows, the meeting between great and new designers took place, 'Falemos de moda', a space in which those who are starting out in the world of fashion were able to ask questions and receive advice from renowned professionals.

On the other hand, Xabier Díaz set the musical note on the catwalk, prior to the Great Designers' parade. In the evening, at 10 p.m., he will give the concert of the XXXI Camariñas Lace Exhibition of the Provincial Council of A Coruña in the market square.

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