Amaya Fernández will be present at the XXX Mostra do Encaixe

The Vigo designer Amaya Fernández will once again show her identity with Lace in her wedding dresses. In the new ArtEncaixe section, the Egueire NGO will also take the catwalk.

The Vigo designer Amaya Fernández will once again show her identity with the design of wedding dresses and the application of Camariñas Lace. It will be Fernández's third participation in the bolillos event, who claims to be "tremendously excited to participate again in person, in a special exhibition in many ways", she alludes.

She will participate, as she did in the 2019 edition, with accessories made by Charo López, who this year will participate in the ArtEncaixe section, in this duo that had such a good result in the last edition. “We decided to return to the catwalk together, although she will also do it as an artisan, because I feel that her compositions are the key piece in my designs,” says Fernández.

Amaya says that her collection will be “somewhat less traditional than in other editions but, of course, preserving the essence of the wedding dresses I am used to, and with the beauty that Camariñas Lace gives it.”

On the other hand, the NGO Egueire will participate in the ArtEncaixe section, an entity that was born in 2008 as an association for Development Cooperation in Africa, specifically in Ivory Coast, where the NGO is currently carrying out different projects.

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