A total of 16,689 people were surprised at the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Fair of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, demonstrating that not even bad weather is capable of reducing the power of attraction that the main fashion event in Spain has during Easter.
Friday stands out above all other days, where 6,318 people entered the venue, this being the best figure for a Friday since 2015. The second best day was Saturday, with 3,757 attendees.
In total, 16,689 people crossed the entrance to the Lace Exhibition in these 5 days. The Mostra is a dynamizer for tourism and the hospitality industry throughout Camariñas, but above all, it is the stands present there that benefit from the public that comes from all over Galicia, Spain, and different parts of the world that the event attracts.
Another noteworthy fact of this thirty-first edition was the spectacular number of residents of the municipality who attended the event, at the invitation of the City Council. In total, 8,544 residents of Camariñas visited the XXXIII Mostra do Encaixe, far exceeding the figures of any previous edition. Last year, there were 1,302 residents.