The Bolechas learned to make palillar at the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Exhibition

Carlos, Pili, Loli, Braulio, Sonia and Tatá took good note of the children from the Municipal School of Palillo. They paraded with them in the PequeEncaixe and gave them a special publication under the title 'The Bolechas come to learn to play palillar in Camariñas'. This Saturday morning, the uniform of the women's team from the Municipal School of Football Juan Cabrejo was also presented.

The six brothers of the most famous comic strip in Galicia, Os Bolechayes, learned today, Saturday, March 30, how to make palillo (a stringed instrument) at the XXXIII Camariñas Lace Exhibition, Provincial Council of A Coruña. Carlos, Pili, Loli, Braulio, Sonia and Tatá learned the art of palillo (a stringed instrument).

The Bolechas took advantage of their visit to go on the catwalk with the little ones in the 'PequeEncaixe' parade and gave the children of the Palillo Municipal School a special publication, with lace as the protagonist: 'The Bolechas come to learn to crochet in Camariñas'.

In addition, they presented awards to the lacemakers and children's lacemakers, the talent that, year after year, guarantees the generational transmission of this centuries-old and unique way of weaving threads and understanding life.

Sponsored equipment

This Saturday morning, the women's team kit of the Camariñas Juan Cabrejo City Council Football School was also presented, with the sponsorship of the Mostra do Encaixe. From now on, the players will wear the slogan 'Camariñas Sorprende' on their shirts.

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