Álvaro Castillo, winner of the New Designers Competition of the XXXI Lace Exhibition

Álvaro Castillo becomes the winner of the XXVIII Noveis Deseñadores contest with the Remind collection. Mëu Kiez, by Pablo González Moreno, achieved second place in the contest, while El Taller, by Vanessa Parente and Beatriz Chan, came in third place. The special audience award went to Pablo González Moreno with Mëu Kiez. The awards were presented by Encarna Liñeiro, José Figueroa, Luis Canosa and José Manuel Ameal.

The closing day of the XXXI Camariñas Lace Fair served to announce the winners of the XXVIII New Designers competition. The first prize, awarded by the councilor of Camariñas, Encarna Liñeiro, went to Álvaro Castillo, who won over the professional jury with his Remind collection, for which he used fabrics and garments from his grandmother, who passed away and to whom he wanted to dedicate the prize.

The head of the Vilán plant of Stolt Sea Farm, José Figueroa, presented the award to Mëu Kiez, by Pablo González Moreno, who came in second place; while the El Taller collection by Vanessa Parente and Beatriz Chan, who received the award from the founder of Frigoríficos de Camariñas, Luis Canosa; came in third place. The “Special Audience Award”, presented by the director of the Association of Entrepreneurs and Tourism Promotion of Camariñas, José Manuel Ameal, also went to Pablo González Moreno, with Mëu Kiez.

Álvaro Castillo, winner of the New Designers Competition of the XXXI Lace Exhibition

In this edition, a total of 4,500 euros were awarded in prizes divided as follows: a first prize of 2,100 euros, a second of 1,200 euros, a third of 600 euros, and the “Special Audience Prize”, also of 600 euros.

A total of 25 young people who are taking their first steps in the world of fashion have applied for these awards. The origins of the new designers were very diverse, as they will come from Asturias, Alicante, Guipúzcoa, Pontevedra, Zaragoza, A Coruña, Cantabria, Zaragoza, Murcia or Madrid. They have trained in the best schools at a national level.

Álvaro Castillo, winner of the New Designers Competition of the XXXI Lace Exhibition

The The jury was composed of the following designers:: Amaya Fernández, Edith del Valle, Modesto Lomba (president), Inés Fernández, Charo Carrillo, Felipe Santamaría, Franco Quintáns, Jorge de Álvarez and Esteban Freiría.

At the closing ceremony, the councilor of Encaixe, Encarna Liñeiro, stated that "at this moment we can proudly say that many people fit into paradise, so many that the slogan could be 'Camariñas is in fashion'."

In his speech he made reference to the return of the International Delegations since "sharing our art with other countries is proof that our way of understanding life has no borders. We are one big family, whether we are in Peniche, Novedrate or Sofia."

Prize winners at the XXXI Mostra do Encaixe

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